Frequently Asked Questions

Donate Now

Below, get answers to your questions about donating and our partners, America’s Charities and Penn Medicine.

Volunteer Coordinators can also find the answers to questions frequently asked of them.


volunteers passing bags of donations into a car

FAQ Donating

Employees who contribute elsewhere may do so by checking the appropriate box on the online pledge.

I forgot my PennKey username/password.

Your PennKey username is usually identical to your username on your University email account. If you need additional help, use the Forgot PennKey username tool.

If you forgot your password, you must reset it yourself using one of the methods described here. No one can retrieve your password or reset it for you.

  • If you previously enrolled in Self-Service Password Request (SSPR), use the Reset Forgotten Password function to reset your password.
  • If you're not enrolled in SSPR, you must obtain a new Setup Code to reset your PennKey password.
    • Visit the correct PennKey administration station with the necessary photo IDs.

TIP: Consider enrolling in SSPR in order to easily reset a forgotten password online.


My PennKey doesn't work!

Test your PennKey with the Test My PennKey application.

If you can successfully log into the test application:

  • Your PennKey username and password are correct and working. You likely lack the necessary authorization to access a PennKey-protected online resource. Contact the owner of that resource for assistance.

If the Test My PennKey application confirms it is not working:


I don’t have a PennKey.

Contact your Local Service Provider of IT Services for assistance.

All contributions made via payroll deduction will be deducted after taxes.

Penn's Way contributions made via payroll deduction will occur in following year and should, therefore, be considered deductions for that year’s taxes. Please consult your accountant or tax advisor regarding contributions made via check or credit card.

You can see what was deducted for Penn’s Way online as you would normally view your weekly or monthly paystub, with your PennKey and password.  Penn’s Way deductions are listed in after-tax deductions by the partner organization the donation was given. You can choose the period you are checking from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Please print a copy of the confirmation page and retain it for your records. If you have already closed the online form, simply login again and print the confirmation page.

Please print two copies of the confirmation page, and make your check payable to “Penn’s Way Campaign.” Attach your check payment to one copy of the confirmation and send to Penn’s Way. Please keep the second copy of the confirmation page for your records.

For University: Print page and mail with check to: Penn's Way,  310 Franklin Bldg, 3451 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6284.

For Penn Medicine: Print page and mail with check to: Regina Whittick, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, Executive Office Suite, 5th Floor Atrium, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

We are no longer using paper pledge forms. If you have questions please email us. 

You can find your local contact through the Volunteers page.

Acceptable forms of payment are credit card, payroll deduction, Donor Advised Fund, or check (payable to Penn’s Way Campaign). Note that credit card payments will be charged at the time the payment is entered. Payroll deductions begin with the 2025 calendar year payroll.  Penn’s Way will no longer accept cash donations.

Penn’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy publishes a High Impact Giving Toolkit with actionable guidance for more impactful giving. Visit the Toolkit to learn how to identify, choose, and research nonprofit organizations and agencies to support during the Penn’s Way campaign.

Each organization receives a list of donors from America’s Charities.

Penn’s Workplace Giving Campaign, known as Penn’s Way, is a Donor Choice Campaign that has enjoyed a successful history at Penn and Penn Medicine for over 18 years. In 2023, a 100% matching gift program pilot was launched, which matches every donation dollar for dollar. This program honors Penn’s commitment to the community and supports the spirit of giving of our Faculty and Staff. All donations up to $20,000 per Penn donor are eligible for the match. Now when Penn and Penn Medicine employees donate to their favorite charities, they are doubling their impact.

FAQ Partners

This question addresses the issue of overhead, known in fundraising as the "administrative rate." Options such as payroll deduction allow donors to stretch their charitable dollar further than if they made a one-time gift. Nonetheless, there are fees associated with your gift:

  • America's Charities administers an 8% flat fee to each of the eight funds/federations that receive donations through the Penn’s Way campaign. For more information please call (215) 586-3299.
  • Gifts made to Penn Medicine organizations are administered by America's Charities and, as such, are charged 8% administrative rate.

Although the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is no longer a Penn’s Way partner, gifts of $24 or more can be designated to the United Way’s Impact fund. The United Way deducts an administrative fee of 12.5% from all donations (4.1% administration and 8.4% fundraising.) 

The minimum donation is $1. This can be a lump sum, or per period. Staff can choose the number of periods, but may not donate less than $1 per period.

FAQ Volunteers

We have assembled a list for you in the Toolkit on Penn+Box.

Please send an email with your question to


List of Organizations

Visit the Find and Research Agencies page for a list of participating agencies.